About Us

We are Sonia, Adam and Alex, three uni students writing about cafe experiences in their little part of Sydney's suburbs - Sonia in the North west/ Hills District, Adam in the Northern Beaches and Alex in the Western Suburbs. 

As three students enrolled in Macquarie Uni's ISYS100 course this blog is one of our assignments. Little Cafe Critic is on the lookout for excellent coffee shops in Sydney's suburbs. Some will be our favourite haunts and others will be a first time experience. We are hoping to share with you our love of good coffee and cafe food over the next few weeks as well as expanding our coffee horizons by visiting coffee shops in our part of Sydney that we have never been to before. Our blogs will include photos as much as possible and we will share our first impressions and the atmosphere of the cafe along with a description of the coffee and food on offer and our overall experience including service, price and any extras that we found enjoyable or interesting. So grab a cuppa and join us... Bon appetit!

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