Friday 10 October 2014

Cafe Est. Est., Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Cafe Est. Est. conveniently located near Shinjuku station was best the place to go to for my travel buddies and I who all possess a sweet tooth. There were so many delicious looking desserts on the menu, we couldn’t decide.  

As you can see above, they offer a wide range of delicious looking desserts.

However, we settled for three parfaits which were unexpectedly HUGE. Complete with multiple ice cream cones in each serving attached to scoops of ice cream which were then attached to layers of moist cake, whipped cream and finally doused in chocolate sauce at the very bottom...and I must not forget the chocolate flavoured Pocky sticks sticking out from the parfaits.

I had to put this photo on here as well. I think how we felt towards the desserts is summed up amazingly on my cousin's face! We couldn't wait to dig in!

...And that's it for today folks. I can't wait to post again! Till next time. Alex :)

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