Friday 10 October 2014

Youeni Foodstore, 2/ 250 Old Northern Road and Cecil Avenue, Castle Hill.

After a recent refurbishment, and the addition of a Dan Murphy's outlet, in this part of Castle Hill's main street, Youeni Foodstore has been open for just over a year.  It offers a trendy, industrial style atmosphere, with an health conscious, organic, gluten free and vegetarian friendly menu. Incidentally, not my usual style!

I have driven past many times and it always seems busy. We came for breakfast and our first impression was all the people stopping in for takeaway coffees - another good sign!  The menu is creative and was surprisingly different to our favourite cafes.  This left hubby with the grumps, crying out where's the meat? As bacon was an add on to the meals, followed by his cry of....what is that alfalfa doing on my eggs?

 The cappuccinos were lovely and the food was delicious. I ordered the breakfast plate above and my husband had poached eggs, cooked to perfection.

While it was very different to the standard cafes in the area, I enjoyed the change. It may not be for everyone. The lunch menu looked yum though and I think I'll come back with a girlfriend, or maybe Mum, next time!

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